Monday, March 29, 2010


I love strength days.  For some reason I just feel good about them and after, well all the endorphins are flowing so it's no wonder why after a heavy day is great. 
Warm Up:
KB Carries
1-arm OH
1-arm OH with Sled 55#
Slosh Pipe with Sled 55#
4x4 Push Press @ 145#
3 min rest between each round
4x4 Front Squat @ 195
5 min rest between each round
4x4 Deadlift @ 320
5 min rest between each round

The cool thing about today is that these loads are heavier then previous which means I have become stronger.  I can now deadlift more weight, always a cool thing in my opinion. 

Then MV02:
1x20 (30/30) Row @ 1:47
I started with the goal of 1:47 thinking that it is 100% vV02 Max, meaning it's the speed of my 2k.  I found that I was able to avg a bit better over the set.  I was nervous the whole time thinking that I was going to blow up at any moment and not be able to finish the set, but it didn't happen.  I averaged 1:42 over all 20 attempts. 

I'm toying with the idea that next time I have a V02Max month, I'm going to do tabata intervals for 4-5x/week of running, rowing and swimming.  See how that is different, better or worse than the 30/30's. 

I slacked off last week and only did it 1x that week so instead of increasing the intensity this week, I'm going back and doing what should have been done last week.  1x20 30" on/ 30" off, 4x/week.  Then next month will be back to steady state.  I'm so tempted to make it intervals in the oxidative pathway...and I know that that would be taking the easier road.  I need to do steady state.  I need to follow my own advice and do that which I hate most.   

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