Warm Up:
General Mobility
work up to working weight
Back Squat - 5x@90kg, 3x@102kg, max@115kg (14x) - this was huge for me. My back squat has been lacking for quite some time, until I started doing the 5/3/1 stuff, this rep count suggests a 172kg 1RM which is 378#. This is theory of course and I could be setting myself up for more disappointment here but regardless, for me to do 14 reps at 115kg is a massive improvement over my first day of 105kg.
Press - 5x@52kg, 3x@60kg, max@65kg (9x) - This was more massive progress for me in the press. This suggests a 83kg 1RM or 182# press. Not to bad. It wont be long and I'm at body weight. Pretty excited about that.
Deadlift - this and the back squat are starting to have major emotions tied to the numbers. I need to be careful of that. They are just indications of strength, not actually strength itself. 5x@135kg, 3x@153, max@170kg (5x) - this was a drop, re-set deal too, like I would do on an explosive lift. Not the best use for finding a T1RM, but it suggests a 194kg 1RM. I'm going to use this for next month and see how it goes. This is roughly 427# which is a jump of about 50 lbs since I started the program 1 month ago. That's ridiculous. Truly.
Power Clean - 5x@90kg, 3x@100kg, max@115kg (0) - I'm pretty sure that the booze at the CrossFit games and double doubles I had the night before were major contributing factors when it came to this lift today. I might want to rethink having the back squat, deadlift and clean on the same day...might be too much and especially as things get heavier in real numbers. It looks like my lift last week at 108 for 1x and 3x@100 this week both suggest a 1RM of 108kg on the power clean. I might need to make the adjustments for Aug.
Using the T1RM's, my CrossFit total now stands at: 449kg (987#). I'll take it.
So it should be noted that this is NOT really 5/3/1 that Wendler wrote out in his book, this is my own version of things based on my overriding idea that I'm not that strong yet and until I stop making gains I can keep doing workouts like this. This might be counter productive in the long run. Wendler is pretty adamant about progressing slower and keeping an eye on volume etc.
I think that after reading through his ideas one more time, I might make some adjustments to the schedule, but keep the over-arching ideas in place. I like doing a squat, press, pull and explosive lift each workout. I also like using 100% of my 1RM instead of the 90%. I think that I have a better idea of my current 1RM than his general audience. The changes I will make however are in the rep/set scheme. Going forward it will look like this:
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