Saturday, January 2, 2010

Foundation - Test

Today's test are another step test and the SSST (Secret Service Snatch Test)  The step test was done assuming a 6:55 2k pace (which isn't great, but it's the start of competitiveness.  My goal for the year is as follows some are much lower standards than others, but the goal is to be able to hit them all on any given day.
Bodywieght 190 and >8% Bodyfat
Deadlift 475
Front Squat 285
OHS 190
Clean 240
Snatch 215
Bench 285
Turkish Get Up 95
25x Strict Pull ups
<1:30 500m Row
SSST >150 reps in 10 min.
2k Row <7:00
5k Row <18:30
60' Row >15,400m
2 mile run with 2k e.g. in 45 min.

This is a good standard in my opinion of overall fitness across multiple time domains and energy systems.  This excludes true ultra endurance, but that is something I am willing to sacrifice.  Like I said these are just the start and modest by comparison to specialists in any one category.  For instance, the rowing is barely competitive to make the boat.  The strength standards would probably exclude me from training at a powerlifting club, but the ability to do them all is something that is rare.

Goal of >150 in 10'
I finished 150 with 3 sec. to spare.  I did not try for a single rep more.


  1. Anyone who can snatch BW is badass in my book... hitting anything above that is gonna take some solid form work. 25 strict pullups istn fucking around either. Looking forward to watching you reach for those!

  2. Thanks John,

    I didn't even know anyone was reading this stuff! If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to let em rip.



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