Fridays are my hypertrophy days. My goal is to be 190 and <8% bodyfat. I wrote about this the other Friday. I feel hypocritical every Friday doing Hypertrophy workouts and being a CrossFit coach.
I was encouraged to actually make this blog about self-discovery and not just a workout log's never easy being vulnerable and saying the thoughts/feelings that occur.
For me, the biggest challenge is consistency. Consistently doing the workouts over a long period of time. My push, my personal challenge is to hit both my performance and my atheistic goals and I know that it comes directly from consistent attention and effort. I have this thing in my head that form and function are the biggest measuring sticks that people use to judge my ability to coach them...the reality is I'm projecting. Perception is always projection. What I perceive is actually my projections onto other people. The truth of the matter, the real painful thing to realize is that I judge my own ability to coach on my form and function, my physique and performance.
Today's workout:
Warm Up:
build up to working weight on leg press (275)
Leg extentions - 150# 30x, then immediately
Leg Press - 315# 28x
Calf raise 125# 19x
Hanging knee raises 2x20, 1x failure
As you can see, doing leg presses and leg extensions, isolation of muscle groups is not "crossfit." But in the end, I like body-building, it's fun to me and Mike Mentzer, Dorian Yates, Ellington Darden and the like (HIIT guys) are guys that I look up to in the bodybuilding world. I like to follow a similar line of thought which started with Arthur Jones, Ellington Darden, then Mike, then Dorian. Mike was a philosophical body-builder which speaks right to my soul.
A CrossFitter who see's this would argue with me that doing full depth squats, or "functional" stuff is all i need to do, CrossFit is all I need to do. I suppose.
For me though, I like CrossFit, I like Gym Jones, I like Body-building, I like Adventure Racing (I only did one sprint so far though), I like swimming and water polo, I like a lot of things...can't I do all of them? Do they have to be mutually exclusive? I suppose that if I wanted to be at the CrossFit games I can't, but is that the only thing that matters? I train to discover things about myself. Dedicated effort to one thing is hard, maybe in the end I'm avoiding that because it's so difficult. Focused attention for a long period of time is how you get to the top of the I avoiding it?
Recovery Swim
Today was just a recovery swim. I worked on stroke drills for about 1 hour then got out. It was nice to just float a little bit, swim easy and not have to push so damn hard all the time.
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